Knowledge… at your fingertips
Here’s some helpful information to ease your plant journey.
House plant tips (Lighting):
Choose the right plants for your place. We know it’s exciting to bring a new plant home, but it’s also important to make sure you’re setting your plants up for success the best you can. Take a walk around your space to see where your natural light enters your space. Here’s a few questions to keep in mind:
Are there any windows?
Is there any sunlight that comes through the windows?
How much sunlight does that area get during the day? (ex: Do you only get a few hours of bright light?)
So, you’ve answered some questions about the lighting in your space… now what? It’s time to choose plants that suits the lighting your place can provide. If you have a lot of bright light, then your amongst the lucky ones and have tones of options, but if your limited on your natural light…. don’t worry! There’s still options and with a little creativity, your place can flourish with nature and beauty. We’re here to help!
House plant tips (Medium):
Once your bring your plant home, its best to check the medium the plant is growing out of (ex: Soil, lecca, moss, etc.) to ensure it can properly grow. Most likely your plant will be in soil, and you can check by gently tugging the foliage from the base near wear the plant meets the soil. It’s best to do this when the plant is completely dry so it comes out of the pot whole, which is less trauma to the roots. When evaluating the health of your plant, here’s a few questions to keep in mind:
Are the roots soft and mushy? (Root rot)
Does it smell foul or mildewy?
Is the soil or medium too compact? (No air flow)
If you notice there’s some issues with the medium, don’t panic.
Remove and replace the soil with new aerated soil. (You can aid in the aeration by adding perlite, vermiculite, or bark to your soil. This allows your roots to gets some oxygen, which helps prevent root rot)
House plant tips (Watering):
One thing for sure, is that your plants will indeed need water to grow. Some less than others! Knowing this, makes people tend to over water their plants, but we find that its best to underwater than to overwater. Some people like to have a watering schedule, but that’s not always the best practice. The reason is because there are so many variables in water consumption for your plants. Whether it’s the humidity, the lighting, the growth, etc. It’s best to physically check each plant the best you can until you learn its specific needs. Here’s a few tips to keep in mind when watering:
Place your finger at least three inches into the soil to check the moisture. If your finger is completely dry, it may be time to water.
Look at the foliage. Is it drooping? Is it wilting? It may be time to water. Some plants will tell you how often they’d like to be watered.
Watering meters. This is a great fool proof option for those who aren’t too sure and need the ease of having a device tell you when it’s time to water. Just place it in the pot deep enough for it to read water levels near the roots.